Early review of Java 9 XML catalogs

Since the first OASIS XML Catalogs spec [https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec-2001-08-06.html] was published, there were numerous attempts to implement it. But with JDK 9 release, XML Catalogs are to become [http://openjdk.java. »

Know-how: Debugging complex XSLT modules

Have you ever found yourself spending hours trying to track down a transform problem? Especially, when working with a messy [https://blog.xml.rocks/xslt-naming-conventions/] or ill-structured [https://blog.xml.rocks/structuring-xslt-code/] XSLT module? Let's »

Structuring XSLT code

We pursue our discussion of the coding style. In the previous article [https://blog.xml.rocks/xslt-naming-conventions/] we covered some aspects of naming. Today we're going to dive into another vital question – how to structure »

XSLT naming conventions

This is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a famous Russian writer. I like Chekhov. Among other things, he believed that writing good is writing briefly. Although his ideas are far from being primitive, his style is clean and simple. »

Secure document access in XSLT

“Why can’t my XSLT load a document?” asked my colleague recently. We looked at the problem closely and discovered that the file referenced in the document function had a broken DTD link. The XSLT processor logged »